
Covenant and God’s Purpose for the World is unavailable, but you can change that!

Throughout the Bible, God has related to his people through covenants. It is through these covenant relationships, which collectively serve as the foundation for God’s promise to bring redemption to his people, that we can understand the advancement of his kingdom. This book walks through six covenants from Genesis to Revelation, helping us grasp the overarching narrative of Scripture and see the...

Testament scholar Walther Eichrodt (1890–1978). More recently, the landmark book by Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum, Kingdom through Covenant, which uses covenant as a framework or a substructure to elucidate the storyline of the Bible, has been published.1 At the same time, systematic theologians in the Reformed tradition, such as Michael Horton, have made the covenant an organizing motif in their dogmatic work. Although such an approach is surely illuminating at a number of levels, it isn’t necessary
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